Investing in Cambridge Bancorp (CATC)

Valuation methodValue, $Upside, %
Artificial intelligence (AI)65.79-11
Intrinsic value (DCF)93.2327
Graham-Dodd Method102.7340
Graham Formula324.56341

Company description

CATC, or Cambridge Bancorp, is a publicly traded financial services company with its headquarters in Massachusetts. The company offers a variety of banking and financial services to individuals, businesses, and organizations, including deposits, loans, and wealth management services. CATC serves its customers through a network of branches and ATM locations, as well as through online and mobile banking platforms. With a commitment to providing personalized and efficient services, CATC has established a strong reputation in its local markets and has been recognized as a top-performing bank. The company's dedication to community involvement and sustainable practices further distinguishes it as a responsible and forward-thinking financial institution. As a publicly traded company, CATC endeavors to maintain a strong financial standing and has a history of steady growth and profitability. With a customer-centric approach and a focus on innovation, CATC continues to position itself as a leader in the financial services industry.